Pregnancy Care Centers
"Mark, your pitch for pledges proved to be a good pitch, we increased our pledges more than 50% and it's the most amount ever raised for the Eden Clinic. I have heard a lot of great things from people who were there... comments like "I've been attending pregnancy center banquets for up to 10 years and this one is the best one I've ever attended" That was someone who served on the board of a PCC in another state. One of my board members said it was our best banquet EVER! Other men that attended said they liked hearing the affects of abortion on men - finally! So, again I want to thank you for all you do Mark... I know you are doing this to serve and honor the Lord and I pray he will continue to bless you as you move forward."
Linda Cozadd - Executive Director
The Eden Clinic - Norman, Oklahoma
“Mark is a dynamic and very focused speaker who shares from the heart on a subject rarely considered "Abortion & Men". He totally captivates his audience and leaves you thinking and challenged long after his message is finished. His ability to champion the work of a pregnancy center is an awesome gift for all those involved in this type of ministry.”
Brenda Bauer - Executive Director - Care Net of Berks County
Kutztown, PA
"We have had many brave women share their personal stories of the heartbreak from an abortion choice at our fundraising dinners over several years. We eventually were asked "What about the men?" Mark steps forward and answers this question with candor, humility, and yes…a God given sense of humor. His story of brokenness and his testimony to the hope and healing through new life in Christ is one that you will not soon forget."
Teri Augustine - Director of Marketing/Events
Laurel Pregnancy Center - Laurel Maryland
“Mark brought a message of forgiveness and healing to our fundraiser that unfortunately is not addressed nearly enough in most Pregnancy Resource Centers. His eloquent and heart-felt message is one that I highly recommend to other pregnancy centers and anyone in need of a pro-life speaker. It was so enlightening to hear from Mark and how his post-abortive experience impacted him as a male. Since the event, I have had many post-abortive women tell me how important it was to hear a man express the grief, guilt and depression he experienced because of abortion in his life. They had no idea that men involved in abortion had much of the same post-abortive issues and experiences that they had. I strongly encourage you to consider Mark for any future events you may be considering. His very positive message of how he found forgiveness and healing is extremely important for the pro-life community to hear. All men need to hear it! Thank you and God bless you Mark for making our event memorable and successful!”
Ron Schneider - Executive Director - The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
"We haven’t heard much from the fathers who are post abortive—yet we know that abortion affects them, too. Mark Morrow gives a heart-stirring and humble account of abortions in his past and after he spoke at our banquet, men inquired about volunteering in our men’s programs and a post abortive father called to find out when we were beginning Forgiven and Set Free for men. Mark is eloquently introducing a new theme for banquets and one long overdue."
Susan Perez - Executive Director, Care Net Pregnancy Resources
Hackettstown, NJ
"Mark is a willing servant who truly wants to meet the needs of the local Center and share a message that too often is unspoken. He displays a compassionate heart and a spirit of grace as he testifies about God's redemption in his own life. As Mark obediently goes, God will use his story to bring others to their own healing."
Carrie Adolph - Executive Director - Pregnancy Care Center Highland, Illinois
“Dear Mark, I want to tell you how excited we are to see you help us train the frontlines of the pregnancy help ministry at heartbeat International’s 40th Anniversary Conference. Your workshop, “What About Men? Helping Post Abortive Fathers Find Healing” will help keep our affiliated pregnancy centers current so that they can take their center from good to great. We are so grateful you are investing the time to help us help our affiliates."
Andrea Trudden – Event Coordinator
Heartbeat International – Columbus, Ohio